Tuesday, March 10, 2015



Tonight l don the garb and speech of an Elizabethan
Hiding from mercenaries I doth accuse of treason
This language born of mongrel tongue
I use to sing what must be sung
And if I take refuge in another century
These foul knaves still would lock me in a penitentiary

Nay, I am not a troublemaker nor troubadour
Perchance, the executioner is stalking near my door
So permit me this trifling excursion
They seek not justice, but its total perversion

Look yonder, my Ladies, and my Lords. They tell me go to York.
‘Tis not an old place, but anew; they call it a NEW YORK.
Take caution not to get into a scrapple
When hit with a biometric scan or a Big Apple
If thee march in support of the oppressed
Be not surprised if thee they do arrest
And receiveth an anal cavity search complimentary
Oh, foul, treacherous New York, thou’st put the hospital in hospitality!

Who doth speak of me with forked tongue and hiss me to my coffin
I shake my spear, and you say, off with my noggin!
Call me Cracked and label me a loon
Pointy barbs I hurl at thee to harpoon
For to be called daft is aimed to discredit and murder soul
Contrived to steal free agency and take away my control

I doth dwell rich in Hope, but poor in Fortune
Ere the Patriot Act, life sold at auction
And Blessed art thee too for enduring a similar fate
As thIs song shall be sung beautifully at heaven’s gate
For what we cherish most is thought of least
Their goal to attack until we lay deceased
Lament not to leave this place of malice and crime
Our souls embrace the numinous and divine

Pushed into the torture matrix
My future the syndicate doth predicts
Who art the perpetrators of this vile experiment
To hack apart health, job and life?
‘Tis they who now reek of human excrement
With the stalking feces on their knife

For behind their mask hides evil eyes
To hunt thee down with vicious lies
Spending days and nights like Stinking Asses
Certain they are part of the ruling classes
To condition us like Pavlovian monkeys
But ‘tis they who are the Babylonian donkeys

Mighty NSA doth haughty claim to be a God
They, the grand sculptor, you, just potter’s clay
And think if you resist not they’ll just fade away?
While hollow points from FEMA ready the firing squad.

Will thee be molded to their stale and base design
One ordained by a non-royal, common bloodline?
They see not the toll to pay for this hubris
A mania for power makes them ruthless
For it matters most if thee acquiesce or rebel
As hatreds purpose ‘tis to make life living hell
And they see not the toll to pay on judgment day

From days of yore to Agenda 21
Methinks this not too late to be undone
Freedoms fading to a twilight time we live
Elite take all and hatch kill lists not to give
When evil barters the soul, thou’st becomes a hater
Better thee choose Love and breathe the breath of thy Creator

‘Tis an infinite gulf betwixt knowledge and knowing
Ego or Spirit decides the path for thy going
A choice made simple, Google or God, Yahoo or Yahweh
'Tis with Prayer comes the knowing, that THIS TOO SHALL PASS AWAY

If I be rot, I be far less rot than Monsieur State 
‘Tis their Soul that doth carry the poisonous freight
Panopticon is just one tool of Fascism’s face
Dedicated to a Democracy they need to erase

By increments a dictatorship one does create
Our Constitutional Laws they void and desecrate
As Electromagnetic beams cloak the criminal deed
And the D.O.D. protects the King's and baron's greed

This shadow alliance doth make a prison planet
Testing wicked weapons on us that penetrate granite
Believe me, ‘tis the sterilization of people power
With directed energy poised all along the watchtower

They too are targeting our mind
A Judas contract have they signed
To sink humankind into a sulfurous abyss
Forever sacrificing GLORY in Excelsis

Wretched vipers maim, told they must
This flesh of ours shall turn again to dust
Skin and bone, blood and marrow pierced by war-makers tech
As the lawless with gun deposit their payroll check

What Fools they be to protect pebbles rather than their Soul
Vacating Freedom to live under Total Control
All these whoresons must have gone berserk
To harm the wondrous beauty of God’s handiwork

The tragedy of the modern ages
Shall manifest if we stop rattling cages
With radiation mutilation, DNA mutation, sexual violation,
And mass sedation in our Pharma nation
They Bank on Quiet to Crush in imperceptible stages

MK Ultra ‘twas the drinking of Lucifer’s brew
Over the cuckoo’s nest one’s sense doth flew
Its offspring a pestilence to all in the land
As more hellish mind control events are planned
The Law will do nothing if you complain
For they conspire to make thee go insane

Absorb chemtrails and the vaccine lie
Measuring the ruin takes not calculus or pi
This truth to lay bare is O so chilling
We subsist for state torture and their killing

Why do we hold this system in such High Esteem?
If not amended we shall lose the dream
Verily, the Globalists need the High Enema
To ever save the sacred soul of America

Oh Mad World, your Hate loses the battle
To turn the masses into lowly chattel
Expect us not to fight Fire with Fire
‘But ‘tis Mad Love that forces hate to expire
No longer can they rely on satellites
To destroy our basic human rights
For there is something more mighty from above
Divine Perfection and Justice from God's Love

When Hearts Fill with Hate we make War
So Live with Love and be in Awe
This country we create as we do Art
In Our hands this fate do we chart
For what we see is born from the hidden
Do Not hold that your love be forbidden

'Tis Eros not Thanatos
That we must keep close
If you be patriotic
Then take your antibiotic
‘Tis evident the new Patriot thrives on strife
As clear as anti-bio means against Life
Unmanned spying drones looking through the door
Gamers with joysticks itch to make the score
Want to be our Jailers when They deserve the Jail
Let's every move and thought of theirs surveil
These Monsters of Vile and Venom
Seem Mad to hasten Armageddon

Forget not that we are made from the stuff of heaven
To be with spirit ‘tis thy precious weapon
Let that guide thee as to whom to trust
For Divine thou art when moved by what is just

Until then I Breathe thy breath and thee, mine
Intoxicated by the aroma of thy sacred wine
My eyes alight on you, we dance a slow tango
Into the field I fall to taste the nectar of your sweet mango

I doth proclaim to defeat their sensors and nano chips
‘Tis with the sweet ambrosia from our lips
So SPEAK OUT with crimson passion
Be the resistance to this tyrannical fashion
For ‘Tis Heart that make Life cometh Alive
May this be the celestial goal to which we strive

Our hearts swell with deep emotion, 'tis hard to contain
And if thine Heart be the symbol True of Love
Lord, make my breast pure and tender as a Dove
So if I die still with Love, this heart beat not in vain.