Friday, October 30, 2015


In May 2014, I published a critical review of the Baby Boomer's Brigade podcast, hosted by Neal Chevrier. The internet radio podcasting site, called Talkshoe, encourages listeners to write reviews, but I found, notwithstanding this encouragement, that my review had been deleted by the host. Interestingly, many of the key points I made in that review were later tackled by Skizit Gesture in a piece they put together about 7 months later. So, rather than have the community see the review and consider the commentary for themselves, Mr. Chevrier deleted it. However, he must have thought there was enough merit to warrant a response, as he and Skizit took months to craft a piece addressing some of the key points made in my review. Their actions spoke volumes and communicated far more than the actual content of their opposing views. It suggested that Neal Chevrier and Skizit do not want to be challenged nor questioned. Their actions revealed a preference for top-down, hierarchical thinking, a style considered passé and old school, more akin to some government bureaucracy or the military and the very antithesis of an open forum for free thinkers. After he deleted my review, I sent him an email asking him to remove me from any and all of his future communications.

What I found most surprising was that this was coming from an individual who regularly infuses his speeches with allusions to peace, love, forgiveness and higher consciousness. To me, this further suggests an individual who knows all the words, but lacks the music where it counts, in his soul. There's even a superficial veneer of acceptance and tolerance towards contrarian opinions. But scratch beneath the surface and the facade begins to crumble. The question I ask is "Do I want to be a part of a community of censorship and, moreover, will they censor the voices of those critical of their work?" Most, if not all TIs, will choose real freedom, one that encourages not just freedom of expression but importantly, freedom of dissent. This does not preclude the possibility that a small coterie of community members will prefer to align themselves with those that seek to control, manipulate and censor information. For those who want to know more, here is the original review, albeit an expanded version with added commentary, analysis and the wacky aside.

Powerful Psychological Triggers, Logical Fallacies, and Speculation Mar Passionate Effort

The eagerly anticipated show, the Baby Boomer’s Brigade recently debuted on the Talkshoe circuit, hosted by the dedicated and facile talking moderator Strider22, better known as Neal Chevrier. One of the more provocative claims advanced by the host was that a person pointing a cell phone in your direction could be stealing your brain waves! To put it another way, raping your brain in public. Neal frequently speaks of fear as lowering one’s vibration, and I fully agree with him on that point. But could the You Tube video entitled Gangstalkers Record Brain Frequencies For Torture with Electronic and Acoustic Weapons, which he co-produced, if found to be ill conceived or exaggerated, be the very cause of a lower vibrational rate in the people he earnestly seeks to help? In my opinion, this video is not just bad or wrong; it is ferociously bad and spectacularly wrong.

According to Skizit Gesture and Neal Chevrier, the two creators of the video, cellphones with a downloaded app are capable of stealing your brainwaves and performing an encephalogram (EEG) just by pointing their cell phone at you. This is a bold assertion indeed and the repercussions for TI’s may be dire if credence is given to their claims, for how could it not ratchet up one’s anxiety, or increase feelings of emotional despair or even worse, provoke physical confrontation. 
I feel it necessary to be equally bold in my thinking; to challenge their assumptions and properly assess the quality of their information. As such, I will employ my sovereign mind to measure the caliber and strength of the evidence presented and equally important, judge their proffered interpretation of that evidence.

To begin the task of penetrating the wild thicket of thorny assumptions in this video, I considered the fact that the hearts magnetic field is more than 5,000 times stronger than the field generated by the brain. Someone pointing a CELL PHONE at you from a distance in an attempt to pick up your brain frequency, if it could, would pick up the frequency of your heart. In the 1970’s scientists demonstrated that they were able to pick up neuro-MAGNETIC fields with a sensor close to the head in an unshielded environment. Nevertheless, they subsequently found that understanding higher-level brain functions like attention, learning, perception, planning and other processes CAN ONLY BE EFFECTIVELY STUDIED IN A SHIELDED ROOM. Today, in modern cultures, electromagnetic noise is so pervasive, that attempts to capture extremely low frequencies of the brain in an open environment is seriously impeded. To further illustrate this point, electromagnetic fields are not ten times greater or a hundred times greater, or even thousands of times greater, but more than a MILLION times greater than they were in the 1970’s due to the proliferation of Wi-Fi, cell towers and mobile devices. The challenge of remotely capturing one’s EEG in this type of environment would be like trying to listen to the flap of a butterfly wing in a stadium during the Super Bowl game. Putting aside the manifest failure of Strider to test his own theory and offer any reproducible experimental evidence, even though he was the principal examiner in his self-created Research & Development department, here is a sampling of what I believe is wrong with this video, notwithstanding it’s generally solid basis in fact:

Two of the five people identified as perps are MOVING their cell phones while the alleged EEG scans are taking place. It may not look like drastic changes in positioning, but small movements by the target and, or the perp, wreaks havoc on the precision required for a valid and accurate EEG. Movements produce artifacts and these distort and alter the EEG wave patterns. Yes, there are filters that remove these “contaminants”, but with so many artifacts from incessant micro and macro movements, uncorrupted EEGs and valid results are virtually impossible. Also, they are in a public space surrounded by random and chaotic stimuli, which drastically alter the amplitude and pattern of the EEG waveforms. 

Observe the skit played out in Panera's restaurant with two males stalkers, the guy pointing the phone is NOT using the camera lens to send frequencies or to capture the target's brainwaves. He's pointing the top edge of the cell phone presumably because this is the location of the EEG recording hardware. The camera is pointed downwards, more towards the top of the table or possibly the lower part of a chair. Note however, in another venue, with stalker #5, the female is clearly pointing the cell phone's camera at some object or target. According to the voice over, she's performing an EEG, but now it's being done through the cell phone's camera. Here's an out of the box thought - could it be she snapped several pictures or is that way too pedestrian for these fantasists? When you see inconsistencies such as in the examples cited above, this should serve as a quick heads up that it's a bad theory!  

In the segment featuring the heavy set male with an unidentified object under his sweater, their claims are flawed in more ways than one. In order to give any credence to Strider’s assertions, you have to first concede that he possesses superhero attributes like x-ray vision and clairvoyance, for he implies that he knows what this unseen device is and does…it is a device for capturing the target’s brain frequencies. What about the possibility that this male is wearing a medical device, a heating pad, wound dressing, packing a gun or maybe, just stole a book? Also, the random movements by the target and perp, are all producing artifacts or contaminants, and changing the waveforms of the EEG. Furthermore, current iPhones with an EEG app cannot wirelessly and remotely shield/block the barrage of electromagnetic pollution in a public space WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY being sensitive enough to REMOTELY pick up extremely low frequency brain waves. Finally, the fluorescent lights seen overhead have alone been shown to alter brain waves. They cause a photic response in the brain that can even trigger migraines and epileptic seizures in susceptible individuals. These lights affect and alter brain waves in the occipital region of the brain. Apart from this, no plausible explanation is given as to why this stalker prefers an observable, conspicuous hump in his rear when Strider and Skizit have professed that cell phones can remotely capture brain frequencies. Are we to believe that an approved tactic for gathering intel is to stick one’s ass near the head or face of a target like some primate in a funky jungle mating ritual? When the stalkers backside is as distended as the red butt of a baboon in heat, WE NEED NOT WORRY that he is performing a secretive brain scan on anyone.

In another stalker scene, we are told that the cell phone resting on the bench seat is capturing the target’s brain frequencies, as it automatically raises its line of sight by several feet, moves laterally to align itself with the target’s head, filters out the surrounding EMF pollution and locks on to and records the target’s brain waves. This level of twaddle is on par with the single bullet theory from the Warren Commission during the JFK investigation that posited a single bullet caused all of Kennedy and Connelly’s non-fatal wounds. The Strider and Skizit video does not show this male creature coming into the restaurant and taking a seat AFTER the target, as the voice over tells us. As far as we can tell, it is equally possible that the target sat down after the stalker. Our interpretation is no longer based on what are eyes are telling us, but how Strider is steering our perception. In the reference paper used in the video by these two intrepid filmmakers to support their claims, it is important to note that the remote capture of EEG was done with a SENSOR placed 3 mm off the scalp (less than 1/8 of an inch). I don’t know about you, but if someone were holding an object that close to my head, it could be as innocuous as a knish, I’d promptly move. Also, in this study, subjects were not randomly moving about as they would in a supermarket or other public space. 

Referencing U.S. Patent # 3951134A, entitled "Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves" it states that "different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject..." do we see any evidence of different frequencies being delivered simultaneously to the brain from one instrument, the cell phone? Do we know or can we confirm that the stalkers sent the requisite frequencies to the target or must we take it on blind faith that what they say is true? Are there multiple instruments outside of the video camera's field of view focused on the target that could maybe lend more credence to their theory? No! If we assume that the target has an implant in his/her head, then most certainly you do not need anyone nearby to capture brainwave signals as satellite technology can pick up data from miles away. See also U.S. Patent # 6,011,911. For more about these patents and other brain monitoring technologies...

In the vignette featuring the cop and his accomplice, it is stated that the officer is stealing the frequencies of the target. He is shown calibrating his radio scanner. Police radio scanners have a fairly wide range of frequency bands that they can operate in, but the Extremely Low Frequency is generally not one of them. The police radio system known as TETRA, which is capable of capturing this low frequency, looks quite different from the police radio depicted in the You Tube video. Again, we have to make the assumption that Skizit and Strider know or verified in some manner the capabilities of this radio. The fact that they don't know nor confirmed this does not give them cause for pause or impede in any way their assertion that the cop is capturing the Target’s brain waves. They want you to believe what they believe and therefore will turn a blind eye to facts that don’t accommodate their bias. Notice too that the cop makes adjustments to his radio scanner while NOT in position to the target. Also, the target and cop are NOT SHOWN in a stationary position for the duration of the purported brain scan. What’s more, this sequence was edited, as the voice over indicates that the scan was conducted over several minutes, whereas we see only a few seconds. Once again, a broad range of electromagnetic frequencies are scattered all over the eatery from the equipment, lights, and mobile devices.   

For a quality EEG to happen, another computation is required beyond the snippet on alpha blocking included in the video. And that is to precisely time stamp or correlate brain activity with all environmental stimuli AND bodily movements, i.e. breathing, blinking, muscle activity. That would require recording all the continuous random events as well as physical movements taking place in a business establishment open to the public. This is no easy task, even if there were sensors on the subjects’ body. Analysis of the video shows no evidence of this coordination happening, which makes it difficult to support their interpretations, even if I wanted to. 

On the other hand, multiple patents, declassified reports, numerous trade books, anecdotal information, personal testimony from former military personnel and revelations by researchers who worked on satellite and microwave technology give credence to the belief that the NSA can already covertly and remotely capture brainwaves WITHOUT having someone near you to do it. If you survey the work of Nick Begich, Dr. Robert Duncan, Barrie Trower, and Dr. John Hall, all of whom have extensively researched this subject, you will not find a single corroborating declaration that stalkers/government contractors are using cell phones to wirelessly and remotely administer an EEG on unwitting targets. In fact, Robert Duncan, who helped create mind-invading technologies for the Department of Defense and the CIA, categorically states in this You Tube video that "people want to say that there is this circuit in this hand-held device and they are following me around. THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS AT ALL."

And let us not forget Snowden’s statement that the NSA owns your phone. That means they have complete control over it and can download or remove an EEG app at anytime, as needed. Even ignoring the many questionable interpretations by Strider and Skizit, it is startling that they fail to mention that the NSA could then perform a covert, EXTENDED brain scan WHILE you're talking or reading on your mobile device since it would be inches away from your frontal lobes or temporoparietal region. Over and above all that, they could conduct an iris scan while you're looking at your mobile phone to calculate your level of interest on any given subject. As you can see, any of these scans would circumvent the need for brainwave monitoring, boots-on-the-ground Dick Tracy wannabes. More importantly, not employing these lowlife perp spies would reduce the risk of detection. Also, suppose that one of these “agents” felt a pang of conscience, an urge to confess, and exposed the whole rotten, stinking, for profit, illegal Targeted Individual harassment program. Possible? You better better believe it is. 

If we went along with Skizit and Neal's logic, we would then most likely believe that the NSA learned no lessons from whistleblowers William Binney, Thomas Drake and Edward Snowden and their embarrassing revelations, or even more implausibly, that the NSA and other alphabet agencies, see no risk in placing their secret, proprietary technology in the hands of Joe Bag ‘O Donuts and Mindy Muffintops, or any other disparate, motley crew of morally compromised, greedy mercenary PERPS. Maybe the NSA has a masochistic complex and secretly wants to get caught, again, and subject themselves to rivers of humiliating print in newspapers and journals across the globe. Or perhaps we should be thankful for this fearless, dynamic duo's production; were it not for their mind numbing analysis, we’d never be the wiser. 

The Amazing Connection Between Neal Chevrier and Homer Simpson

I’ve long admired those who have a penchant for reasoned analysis and logic. So, when I hear someone advance a peculiarly unusual viewpoint, I’ve developed the habit of running it through my logic filter. I honed this interest in logic when a student and recall my professor sharing a story about one researcher who studied frogs. This scientist was interested in the mechanism by which a frog hears and devised an experiment that would prove to his colleagues, once and for all, the actual location of the frog’s auditory system. So, he selected a healthy male frog, weighing approximately 1 pound, and placed it on a cold metal table. He then grabbed a clicker, the type used in animal training, and pressed it. The startled frog jumped off the table, landing several yards away. The researcher then took his clippers and snipped off one of the frog’s front legs. He returned the frog to the table, and pressed on the clicker, noting that the frog jumped off the table again, although not quite as far. The researcher snipped off the other front leg, and again the frog jumped when he heard the sound. He put the frog back on the table and snipped off one rear leg. Once again, at the sound of the clicker, the frog jumped off the table. Finally, the obsessed scientist, put the little frog back on the metal table, snipped off the other rear leg and pressed the clicker. The frog did not move. He repeatedly pressed the clicker and noted the frog did not budge an inch. The researcher sought to publish the remarkable findings that “the common frog has its hearing apparatus located in its rear legs” in the best scientific journals of the day, and would have were it not for a tragic accident that prevented the dissemination of these amazing results. 

While the white-frocked researcher was in a jungle habitat collecting frogs for further research, a hunter observed what he perceived to be a rare albino mule. He took out his bow and released a toxin-tipped arrow that dropped the scientist to the ground. The hunter rushed to see his “kill” and realized, much to his horror, that the arrow had penetrated deep into the anal cavity of the man, who now lay motionless. He tried valiantly for hours to resuscitate the scientist, but he remained speechless, although his eyes were open and he still seemed conscious. The researcher must have wordlessly communicated because the hunter had a sense of what the injured man was trying to say. He came to understand, for the first time in his life, the colloquial meaning of the phrase “talking out of his ass” when he learned about the scientist's bizarre experiments. Unfortunately, he never got a chance to publish his story, but I'm sharing with you what could be considered the silver lining to this awful incident, depending, of course, on your point of view.

The hapless researcher did eventually make a full recovery and word of his unusual discovery and calamity spread like manure across the Great Plains, and it wasn't long before he became legend. Job offers came rolling in and soon he accepted a lead position at the vaccine division of a multinational pharmaceutical company. Outbidding several competitors in the industry, Big Pharma believed that a man of his caliber and intellectual prowess would be a boon to stockholders. He would direct research “proving” that vaccines have no causal connection to the explosion of autism across the nation. The President of the vaccine company stated “Arnold’s unorthodox methodologies and single-minded dedication make him an invaluable contributor towards reaching full global immunization and our corporate objectives.”  

This story nicely illustrates the absurdity and dangers in committing fallacies of extrapolation; where a set of facts are used to make judgments or predictions about other events, but that far exceed any reasonable analysis. Vaccine makers, like frog vivisectionists, use fallacious thinking to justify and disguise erroneous conclusions. Do you think it mere coincidence that after Arnold gets hit with a toxic shot he experienced what some would describe as a temporary autistic state? Coincidence or Karma? Yet Arnold will never see the connection between the two. But apparently, neither do people like Mr. Chevrier. 

I see Neal as one of the biggest purveyors of fallacious extrapolations in the TI community, and when challenged about this, he will imply you are a perp. He uses patent information to snap together Lego-styled intellectual justifications to support his far-fetched conclusion, i.e. cellphone wielding perps are covertly performing an EEG on you. Round and round he and Skizit go with a carousel of reasons to give credence to their assertions - it's because your DNA has antennae-like properties, or it's because you're microchipped or that you're hit by scalar waves or have your body and brain filled with chemtrail nanotech. Although these realities can be vectors for surveillance and assault, apparently they still need stalkers pointing cell phones at us to capture our brainwaves, according to Skizit and Neal. My head is spinning, not from information overload, but from possible overexposure to narcissistic megalomania. 

Offer evidence to the contrary, and he seems to mimic the thinking style of a cartoon character. Like Homer Simpson, who opposes  logic and facts, Neal Chevrier will hide from credible people in the TI community who state that thiidea is "bogus" and a "joke." He is so driven by his obsessions that he's currently trying to find any Guest speaker who can validate his flimflam theory. Sadly, even if he can convince a popular speaker in the TI community to support this balderdash, his appeal to authority is another logical fallacy and NOT considered a valid defense of his belief system

This is by no means the only example of a logical fallacy that seems to regularly seep out from under his dome. Mr. Chevrier's alignment with Homer becomes clearer when you bear in mind that he's also an unapologetic practitioner of post hoc reasoning. You may think me far too harsh in my criticism, but not if you understand that I'm more critical of myself than I am of others. Not long ago, I believed the phrase “post hoc” meant after you go into hoc, because after I became a TI, I went into serious debt. This forced me to do things I’m not particularly proud of, like hocking my valuables at the neighborhood pawnshop. And that includes, sadly, my super valuable brother, who is currently in Abu Dhabi working off my unpaid debt, and all this was arranged, incidentally, without his full prior consent. D'oh! He literally saved me (a small fortune too) and I shamelessly and thoughtlessly carried this out even though I love him dearly. Hey, I know I’m wrong here; you don’t have to berate me too. I truly did not realize that I was using fallacious post-hoc reasoning. D'ooooooh!

A post hoc rationale is when one thing happens; let’s call it “X”, before an event, “Z”, then concluding that “X” caused “Z”. So, after I became a TI and went into debt, I saw these as causally related. I can attest to that fact. But in the interest of full disclosure, I should probably reveal that a small addiction to the casinos and nightlife in Las Vegas and, okay Aruba too, may have had more to do with my impecunious state than my befriending a man called Slim Shady, who owns the manufacturing plant my brother labors at to this day. But if you were to speak to my brother, he would tell you that he enjoys a much higher standard of living than when he lived in the States. Yes, he works hard creating gold ingots for the Royal Family and the U.S. Treasury but he’s compensated handsomely, plus he’s the beneficiary of numerous perks including a status enhancing dental makeover with gold inlays on all his teeth in the top row. While you might feel some jolt of envy for my brother, you shouldn’t. Ostentatious dentition does have its downsides especially when you consider the long delays through airport metal detectors and the hazards of spontaneous facial combustion when kissing a lover with cheap amalgam fillings. When we hear of sparks flying between two people, we often think of a budding romance, but it's just as likely a case of incompatible metals in close proximity.  

I have first hand knowledge of how logical fallacies can cause a world of pain. And if you’ve lived long enough and reflect upon your experiences, then you too know how poor thinking can have bad consequences. But Mr. Chevrier, just like Homer, will not abandon his post-hoc justifications. In "The Simpsons" episode called “Much Apu About Nothing,” Homer tells his daughter Lisa that the recently instituted bear patrol is keeping the bears from gaining access to people’s homes. Lisa tries to point out the logical flaw in Homer’s thinking by telling him that the rock that she has in her hand is just as likely keeping all the tigers away too. Homer is incapable of seeing the common sense logic in what Lisa is saying. In fact, this episode was referenced in the Harvard Business Review as a "classic example" of flawed reasoning and the "informal fallacy of assuming correlation implies causation." 

I need not point out all the times Neal has fallen into the post hoc fallacy, and it is this penchant for the illogical tethered to his seeming lack of common sense that is causing many TIs to stay away in droves.

In my opinion, the video Gangstalkers Record Brain Frequencies For Torture with Electronic and Acoustic Weapons implodes at its core because it is guilty of the very thing it tried to expose, MIND CONTROL!  The triggering of fear is one of the methods the Nazi’s used to subconsciously control the population of Germany during Hitler's reign. We may all be, to a greater and lesser extent, mind controlled. But the co-creators of this video are unable to recognize the gaping holes in their logic and the unsupported cognitive leaps, of Olympian distances I might add, that they make. Nor do they seem to care about propagating fear by peddling theories built on speculation and faulty reasoning. 

It might be wise for Neil and Skizit to recognize the distinction between what is theoretically possible and the real, or actual. Immortality may be theoretically possible, but is it practical or desirable? Do we even know what immortality would look likeIt could promise eternal youth or alternately, it could signify getting old but just not dying. This second option would be particularly devastating, especially for nudist colonies around the globe, as who the hell wants to see 200 year old carcasses prancing about in the buff? In fact, my full-length bathroom mirror has refused to reflect my oddly chiseled denuded form despite my pathetic sobbing and the fact that I'm not yet close to a century old. Let us all pray immortality on earth never becomes a reality. I shudder at the mere thought and you should too. 

And so too with the theoretical possibility of cellphone carrying perps wirelessly administering an electroencephalogram to a TI, we must understand that this would not be practical especially since it can already be carried out remotely, covertly, anonymously, and of coursenakedly.       

Although I find myself in general agreement with much of the information presented in this video, whether clothed or not, it is their interpretation of the hidden camera footage that really burns my firewood! Consider this: the number of cell phone subscriptions globally today exceeds the world population. Weave that fact into the video, and what Skizit and Neal actually tried to do was shamelessly and arrogantly implant FEAR into every TI, which would make us all the more easy to mind control. Now imagine, any random person out of a population of seven billion, with cell phone in hand pointed in the direction of a TI, having the ability to trigger paralyzing fear, anger or rage due to the false belief that they are invading your mind. It may have taken perps years to sensitize TIs to certain stimuli, but Neal may have accomplished this feat in a matter of a few weeksShould we all run away or should we just try to avoid about seven billion people with cellphones? The major reason I am not stalked by people pointing cellphones is that my perps know this mind worm is ineffective and that will not allow this fear to take hold of my consciousness. It is worth repeating: FEAR IS ONE OF THE MOST EFFECTIVE TOOLS IN MIND CONTROL! 

If you incorporate Homer-styled logic, you too could be thinking like a cartoon character or Neal Chevrier in no time. Equally ludicrous, imagine me telling you that a person wearing shoes may cause you great harm. And this statement is not wholly untrue as it has been observed that the vast majority of assailants have feet, and prefer not to walk barefoot, being cognizant of the risks caused by shards of glass strewn thoughtlessly about, which also happen to impede the quick getaway. Or maybe I just said this because I want you walking around with your head bowed looking at the ground? We have to ask, “is this a sadistic prank or does he prefer to turn the TI community into a caricature of itself, a living cartoon, with he and Skizit as creator and designer?”  

I cannot say with any certitude or conviction that Neal was seeking to profit from instilling greater fear into the minds of targeted individuals, but it is possible. He informed the community that he created a shield that could protect the head from frequencies and intrusions. In fact, one Targeted Individual and regular Talkshoe participant, wanted to purchase Neal's head shield, but upon being informed of the prohibitive cost, changed his mind. 

It should be emphasized that every possible effort be made NOT TO CREATE a delusional TI mythology in the community. The last thing we need to tell the world is that people with cell phones in their hands are raping our minds (or that shoe-wearing humans will hurt us) for if we ever start to believe these things, there will literally be no place left in the world where we could find peace of mind or solace for our spirit. Equally deleterious, by misrepresenting the facts about brain-surveillance technologies, TI's are at risk of losing whatever recognition and progress they have worked so hard to achieve over the years.

But putting aside all the criticism for this former 3-star podcast, isn’t it probable that the surveillance apparatus was already aware of Strider and Skizit fears and concerns regarding mind reading?  If so, it is hardly a stretch to believe that government contractors embarked on a psyops campaign to create the appearance that remote brain scans were taking place via cell phones and “devices" hidden under one's clothes. If, by these two's own admission, the surveillance apparatus were remotely monitoring their brains, how could Strider and Skizit then not see that perps created the "BIG SHOW" to amp up their paranoia? 

I sincerely hope that Skizit and Strider heed their own advice that appears at the end of their video, and that is to Not Believe Everything You Think.

Confident analysis is no substitute for competent analysis. And in my opinion, if Strider and Skizit were lawyers, they would be disbarred for peddling this sham argument and ignoring what is blindingly obvious in their own video. But they aren’t lawyers. They say they are targeted individuals and in this video, and elsewhere, they attempt to shape the thinking of the TI community at large. Their efforts will most certainly not be without its critics. As King Darius of Persia famously wrote "He who knows not and knows not he knows not is a fool - shun him" 

As Targeted Individuals we are not believed. This is by government design. So when we speak of our torture, our broken body, our wounded heart and spirit, we create no sympathies with the masses. Although conflict and strife may be inevitable at times, can we realistically expect others to embrace our cause when we employ shoddy thinking and manipulation amongst ourselves? While greed and internecine feuds can threaten to destroy us from within, muddle-headed thinking will never help us to be taken seriously, but rather, may very well ensure that we are looked upon with lasting contempt and comedic disdain.